PowerPoint 2008 for Mac closes unexpectedly when you try to apply colors to a picture that is embedded in a shape multiple times.Line breaks and hyphens move in Microsoft PowerPoint 2008 for Mac after you install Office 2008 for Mac updates.It is difficult to resize a line and keep it perfectly straight.Lines print with 1point thickness, even when the line is narrower than 1point.This update fixes the following issues in Charts and Pictures: Reliability is improved in the display and layout of Charts and Pictures.By default, new line and scatter charts will use simpler formatting. Improves performance when line and scatter charts are generated.Improves the performance of charts that have multiple data points.This update improves the following performance issues in charts: This update fixes an issue that causes Office 2008 for Mac applications to close unexpectedly when you open or use Office 2008 for Mac applications. For more information, see the security bulletin that is listed earlier in this document. This update fixes vulnerabilities in Office 2008 for Mac applications that an attacker can use to overwrite the contents of your computer's memory by using malicious code.

Improvements for all Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac applications:

This security bulletin contains all the relevant information about the security updates for Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac. Microsoft has released security bulletin MS08-057. In addition, this update includes fixes for vulnerabilities that an attacker can use to overwrite the contents of your computer's memory with malicious code. This update contains several improvements to enhance stability and performance. De versieteller staat inmiddels op 12.1.3 en is voorzien van de volgende aankondiging: Microsoft Office 2008 for Mac 12.1.3 Update Het kantoorpakket bevat Word, Excel, Powerpoint en Entourage, evenals een groot aantal wizards en tools om het verwerken van teksten, afbeeldingen en geluiden gemakkelijker te maken. Microsoft heeft een nieuwe update klaarstaan voor zijn Office 2008-pakket voor het Mac OS X-platform.